Multiple job offers may seem like a dream scenario for job seekers. You are in demand, and you have companies vying for you. But it can also be a challenging situation to navigate.

While it’s tempting to accept the offer you like best, and ignore the other entirely, doing so can harm your reputation.

There is a right way and a wrong way to handle multiple job offers. Ghosting a job offer is not the correct approach. Below we provide you with some guidelines for how to manage more than one job offer at the same time:

what are the consequences of ghosting?

Ghosting an employer is a decision that could come back to haunt you in the future. Potential repercussions include:

  • You burn the bridge with the employer – all future opportunities with the organization are likely out of the question.
  • You could hurt your professional reputation – people talk, and word could get around in your industry.
  • It could put other future jobs in jeopardy – you never know when you will cross paths with people again in the future.


why not ghosting a job offer?
why not ghosting a job offer?

what to do instead of ghosting a job offer

Here are the steps you should take if you are in a situation where you are entertaining more than one job offer at the same time:

1. respond to all serious job offers

If you’re actively job searching and have engaged in serious discussions with a recruiter or potential employer, it’s crucial to follow up promptly and professionally after an interview.

This demonstrates respect for the recruiter’s time and effort invested in your candidacy. 

It is different if you are contacted unexpectedly and don’t know the person. You don’t have to reply to random cold calls or LinkedIn messages.

2. make your intentions clear

If you are no longer interested in a job, tell the employer or recruiter as soon as possible. This will allow them to shift their focus to other candidates.

If you don’t accept, explain why. Communicate the reasons why you no longer want to be in the running. Take into account careful consideration of your career goals and company culture fit. And if there was a specific deal-breaker, tell them. 

This type of feedback can help the hiring manager and the company improve their interviewing process and make better-informed decisions in the future.

3. to email, phone or text

All forms of communication are acceptable. It is common practice to reply in the same way the offer was extended. For example, if you received the job offer by email, turn it down by email. But, if you have developed a good relationship with the employer or recruiter, a phone call may be better. This is particularly important if you want to keep the relationship going forward.

4. ask for time to think about it

Choosing between two jobs is not an easy decision. If you’re on the fence or expecting another offer you want to compare, ask for some time. Most employers are willing to give you anywhere from a couple of days to a week to decide. This will give you the extra time you need to make the right decision.

It’s important to carefully consider any job offer before accepting it to ensure that you are truly committed and ready to begin your employment. 

While extenuating circumstances may arise, it’s generally considered unprofessional to rescind a job offer after accepting it or to fail to show up for work without proper notice. 

Taking the time to make an informed decision and communicate effectively with your potential employer can help ensure a positive and respectful professional relationship.

5. don’t pit employers against one another

Having more than one job opportunity is not the time to take advantage. Don’t turn the situation into a bidding war for your services. If you do this, you could end up losing out on both jobs.

You can tell employers you received a competing offer but leave it up to them how they want to respond.

6. stay in touch and maintain a positive relationship

Don’t ghost the employer or recruiter even if you decide to decline a job offer. Instead, aim to cultivate a positive relationship with them, even if you decide not to accept the offer. 

Maintaining a positive relationship can be valuable for future opportunities, and you never know when you may need their assistance in your career. 

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity and indicating interest in working with them in the future can help to preserve a good relationship and may lead to other professional connections.

7. consider more than just the dollar amount 

If you are looking to make a career move, consider accepting a job that aligns with your goals and interests. Do a thorough evaluation of your options before making a final decision. Compare more than just the salary. Look at the job tasks, opportunities for growth, benefits, flexibility, and decide based on the opportunity overall.

Having multiple job options is a great scenario. If you are looking to make a career move, meet our recruiter! They can help you find jobs that work for you.

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